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Textbooks considered for 2023-2024 available for review

Textbooks considered for 2023-2024 available for review
Zachary D'Amico

The following textbooks are under consideration for 2023-2024 adoption and are available for preview, virtually and in-person, until May 31, 2023:

High School

  • French II – Chemins 2023 Level II
  • CHS Early Childhood Development Birth – 5 - Theories of Childhood and Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Middle School

  • American History & Honors American History Gr. 8 - United States History: Beginnings to 1877
  • Algebra I Honors - Common Core: Algebra I

For the proposed resources with electronic access, you will be provided with specific instructions to the publishers' preview site. The username, password and instructions for access are included on the page, which can be accessed here.  

For the High School CHS Early Childhood Development Birth-5 course, the proposed textbooks are only available via hard copy at the district administrative center.

If you experience any technical issues or have questions regarding the resources under review, please contact Jen Hearn, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant to the Superintendent, at or 412-492-6321. Hard copies of the other proposed textbooks are also available at our District Administrative Office at 4591 School Drive.  Additionally, please contact Jen Hearn to schedule an appointment to review any hard copies of the proposed texts.