HHS 9th-graders envision the future of Hampton Township through cross-curricular project
How can the Hampton Township community be improved?
Hampton’s 9th grade Honors Geography and Honors English students set out to answer that question in a project that culminated with a poster presentation on Wednesday, May 25, in the HHS auditorium.
Roughly 80 students, divided into 23 groups, conducted research and pitched ideas to a panel of stakeholders before creating websites and academic posters. On May 25, students presented their finalized research to members of the community — including school board members, members of the township board, and district administration.
Through this project, students researched aspects of their community they would like to see improved that also pertain to one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals that is focused on improving the structure and growth of cities.
Students demonstrated cross-curricular learning through research inquiry, writing, and project-based learning that could improve the Hampton community while developing real-world problem-solving skills. Projects varied in form, from implementing cultural festivities, creating community gardens, converting vacant lots, and improving public and recreational transportation.
This project was part of Mr. Christopher Anastas and Mrs. Devon Byrne’s blocked Honors Geography and Honors English class.