Five HTSD students perform with PMEA District 1 West Band
Five students from Hampton Township School District performed with the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) District 1 West Band on Jan. 29 at Duquesne University.
The PMEA District 1 West Band includes Brooks Brady, Zach Harrington, Jason Andrews, Michael Bacasa and Samantha Nicely. All five students auditioned for this group.
"Brooks, Zach, Jason, Michael, and Samantha all did a tremendous job at PMEA District Band. Their concert was superb!” said high school band director Chad Himmler. “And I'm especially excited for Brooks and Zach as they move on to the next round in this state tournament - PMEA Region Band!"
Brady won the trumpet audition, while Harrington finished third. Both students qualified for the next round – PMEA Region Band on March 11 and 12.
PMEA also announced that Harrington won the PMEA Region Orchestra trumpet audition and has earned the 1st chair trumpet position in the PMEA All-State Orchestra later this spring on April 7-9 at the Kalahari Resort in the Poconos.
Visit the PMEA website here.