District News
Dr. Jackie Removcik (Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment) recently received the Jean E. Winsand Emerging Woman in Education award from the Tri-State Area School Study Council at the University of Pittsburgh
HTSD offering Pfizer COVID-19 booster for eligible individuals.
Tickets for fall athletics can be purchased online or at the gate.
Superintendent Dr. Loughead issued a letter to Hampton Families on Sept. 2, 2021, in regard to the Order announced by Gov. Tom Wolf regarding a masking mandate in all Pennsylvania schools.
The Hampton Township School District Board of School Directors approved a revised Health and Safety Plan on August 24, 2021, that requires universal K-12 indoor masking.
On August 19, Dr. Loughead sent a letter to the Hampton School Community regarding the District's Health and Safety Plan.
The District on Aug. 4 received a Certificate of Achievement from the Government Finance Officers Association.
The Hampton Township Board of School Directors work session on Monday, August 2, at 7 p.m., has been moved to the Hampton Middle School Auditorium.
The first day of school is August 26.
In consideration of the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new Pennsylvania law called Act 66 gives students and their parents or guardians special rights during the 2021-2022 school year.